
Circular Economy with Black and Greywater Recycling in India | Securing Water For Food Evaluation

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Circular economy model with black and greywater recycling in India

This report details the monitoring and evaluation of the recent innovation by WASTE among the small-scale farmers of the horticulture district of Nilgiris in the state of Karnataka in July 2019. Fifty independent farmers were selected for interviews through a random sampling with a mix of male and female headed households. Criteria was established to assess household income, crop yield, water practices, expenses, and perceptions and expectations of the circular economy model.

It also measures the innovation’s impact in water-stressed regions and explores the possibilities related to
soil fertility, gender disparities, climate change, income changes, water management, irrigation practices
and technologies, and market dynamics of the region. Respondents were positive about the innovation’s ability to become sustainable and scalable. With the introduction of the innovation, farmers could cultivate an additional part of their farmland. The positive impact would largely influence food security, women accreditation, income advancement, and soil restoration for the entire region. An additional benefit surfaced when 12 percent of farmers requested the installation of solar pumps to power electric fencing to protect crops from wild animals. The innovation also helped vegetable farmers by improving crop yield through co-compost application, resulting in higher sale prices in the markets.

About the circular economy initiative and Securing Water for Food project

WASTE, in partnership with the Rural Development Organization (RDO) Trust, in Nilgiris, developed a model for producing high-quality co-compost from wastewater and faecal sludge for the cultivation of exotic vegetables by women farmers in the District. To enable target consumers to buy the co-compost, WASTE implemented its Diamond Model to provide tools for private financing and potential market linking strategies in addition to generating quality co-compost and providing access to greywater. The innovation received a monetary award and support from Securing Water for Food. The innovation’s aim is to establish a local circular economy model in sanitation for agriculture that is scalable and enables women agri-entrepreneurs to have better crops with market quality compost application and an extended crop season to advance green growth in the Nilgiris.

Read more about our work in sanitation and faecal sludge management.

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