
Gender & Recycling: Tools for Project Design and Implementation

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Regional Initiative for Inclusive Recycling

The Gender Guide proposed for project development and implementation, financed by the Regional
Initiative for Inclusive Recycling (IRR), is a tool that: supports the opening of spaces for the participation of women in the processes that affect their development; fosters attitudes whereby this participation is valued; and is geared towards actions that improve women’s living conditions.

For eight decades, a considerable percentage of the world’s poor people have recovered recyclable
materials which they find in the waste generated by society through its diverse activities. Despite generating very positive impacts for the economy, the environment and the family, most people are ignorant of their contribution and the conditions in which these benefits are generated. This ignorance affects the women working in this sector, within the scenarios and organizations in which they carry out their occupation, such that it is forgotten that they were often the ones that initiated activities in this field

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