
Everybody deserves to live in a clean environment with access to sustainable sanitation and waste services

WASTE is an international development organisation catalysing sustainable solutions to urban challenges.

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We strengthen local systems for long-lasting impact

WASTE develops and manages innovative, multi-stakeholder programmes in low- and middle-income countries striving for impact that is locally relevant and continues long after we are gone. We specialise in the fields of:

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Sanitation & faecal sludge management

We employ a market-based approach to addressing local sanitation markets’ supply and demand side challenges. We develop integrated solutions for the entire life and re-use cycle of human and organic waste management.

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Solid waste management, including plastics

With a focus on business development, circular economy, and inclusion of the informal sector, our experience builds upon nearly four decades of experience working with a broad network of local partners.

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Innovative financing

We catalyse private investments, local government funding, and investments in sanitation and waste by households and local enterprises for maximum leverage. We have been unlocking commercial, non-grant-based financing for development for more than two decades.

An inclusive approach for sustainability

The Diamond Model is a multi-stakeholder approach developed by WASTE to strengthen total systems that prioritise inclusive governance and build local capacity.

Learn about our approach
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Improving cooperation for cross-sectoral impact

Our core work focuses on SDGs 11 (sustainable cities), 8 (decent work and economic growth), and 6 (clean water and sanitation).

Discover how our expertise links to the SDGs
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in the last 5 years alone

What we’ve achieved together

sanitation businesses supported
1 M
safe sanitation systems
>€150 M
generated locally by households investing in sanitation improvements
tonnes of plastic waste prevented from dumping and/or open burning
>48 M
kg of CO2 eq. greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions saved through solid waste and faecal sludge treatment and reuse

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Receive periodic updates on all things sanitation and waste management directly in your inbox. You can also contact us directly.

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Working in partnership with

Logo dgis
1200px sida logo.svg
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1200px unicef logo
Ysb logo1 black e1639637130954
Mask group
Amref logo 6c00abd530
Logo aspirelabs (3)
Top logo
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Logo caritas
Simavi logo nieuw groot 300x200
1574073032 irc masterlogo rgb 400px square
Rain logo petrol white payoff cloud rgb (2)
Akvo1 300x300
Snv development organisation logo.svg
Logo fsmc
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Apej logo
Logo icco
Hofokam logo 1
Family bank logo 600px
Equity bank logo 85cf7a0c16
Centenary bank logo
Logo rdo trust
Wsscc logo cmyk 1
Sidian bank logo white152 1
Logo dgis
1200px sida logo.svg
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1200px unicef logo
Ysb logo1 black e1639637130954
Mask group
Amref logo 6c00abd530
Logo aspirelabs (3)
Top logo
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Logo caritas
Simavi logo nieuw groot 300x200
1574073032 irc masterlogo rgb 400px square
Rain logo petrol white payoff cloud rgb (2)
Akvo1 300x300
Snv development organisation logo.svg
Logo fsmc
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Apej logo
Logo icco
Hofokam logo 1
Family bank logo 600px
Equity bank logo 85cf7a0c16
Centenary bank logo
Logo rdo trust
Wsscc logo cmyk 1
Sidian bank logo white152 1
Building blocks white

Join our mission to catalyse sustainable solutions to urban challenges.